Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Why I hate electronic translators . . .

. . . and why I feel certain the world will continue to need English teachers

From a paper I recently received:

One is not the how profound movie, even is simple so has divorced from the reality, does not have the too winding strange plot, has not the magnificent scene which the human is dazzled, has not made the stunt effect which one praises to the heavens, only then simple black and white, actually because of had him and she among, but lets us immerse, the feeling time is unable to cancel purely and happy, closely is affecting the innumerable happy young moods.

Remembered is on 12 year-old Sunday warm afternoons, first time looked the [movie title], all of a sudden completely is charmed. Has been infatuated with the purity which the Hofn graceful makings are ignorant of affair, but has been infatuated with the parker erudite Confucian scholar the humorous gentry charm. At that time, only thought she was in this world the most perfect female, but he is in this wolrd the only perfect man. Because of [the movie], I have remembered the Hofn pure beauty, also has remembered the parker affection look.

Ten points to anyone who can name the movie this paragraph is about!


Carrie said...

Um, Princess Bride?

Anonymous said...

How about the Wizard of Oz?

ChineseTalberts said...

Actually, someone on Facebook guessed it correctly, and since I'm back in the States now and can finally access and comment on my own blog, I'll give you the answer: Roman Holiday.

Anonymous said...

I was going to add Roman Holiday but you already answered.

by the way very amusing blogg site stumbled upon it while trying to fid the correct pronounciation(sp?) for dr. ryuta Kawashima, and got hooked reading all about you and your friends.
fun fun..