The horrible truth about my life is that it's so wonderful, no-one would voluntarily read a blog post about it. Most people only want to read posts with titles like "Ten Things I Hate About Everyone" or "I Just Met A Big Jerk" or "Defenestration Hurts." So I must resort to trickery in order to get people to read this stuff. My hope is that once you've gotten this far, you'll be resigned to your fate and keep going until you get to the end.
I have the world's greatest job. I've been a librarian, which was pretty good, and a helpdesk technician, which was great, and a mortgage broker, which was lousy, and a security guard, which was weird and kind of fun, but nothing compares with teaching. It's not for everyone, but by golly, it sure is for me. I love my students. I love explaining stuff. I love that look of dawning comprehension that comes over their little faces as they realize that that's how they use semicolons. It's just the best ever.
I have the world's most superb living arrangements. I live in a tiny apartment (more like a hotel room, really) on a floor with thirteen other wonderful people. We all live together and work together and hang out together, and we like it that way. We cook and eat dinner together four nights a week. We celebrate birthday parties as a group. We lift weights together and take vacations together. Every morning, I can get up and go down two flights of stairs to my office. When I'm ready for class, I get to walk five hundred feet to work. If I need some groceries or something, I just hop on a bus. I make enough money to live comfortably, but not so much that I worry about what to do with it. Every five months, the school pays to fly me back to the USA so I can see my friends and family on the other side of the ocean. It's just the best ever.
I am posessed of the world's most amazing wife. Desiree is intelligent, careful, thoughtful, funny, cute, diligent, caring, inquisitive, creative, beautiful, fun, organized, talented, hospitable, and helpful, and I didn't just grab a thesaurus for that sentence; evidence of every single adjective on the list appears on a regular basis. We do everything together and still wish that we had more time. In spite of the cynical predictions of my co-workers when I first got married, we're approaching our fifth anniversary, and not a day goes by that I'm not amazed that I have her. She's just totally the best ever.
Sure, there are a ton of other things that I love about my life -- the friends, family, weekends, books, music, games, ideas, education, hobbies, goals, and growth, but I can't even talk here in this blog about what's really most wonderful. All of the stuff I've written about already doesn't compare to my divine sonship, or my confidence about my eternal destiny, or my being transformed day by day from lesser into greater glory. Best of all, those most important things are the things that anybody can have, because they're free gifts of our loving Father.
So if you ever hear me complaining (as human nature is wont to do), just forward me a link to this page. It might just be my best blog post ever.