Thursday, March 15, 2007

Is there an editor in the house?

Being surrounded by another language has made me notice everything I see that’s written in English. It’s kind of annoying, really—my eyes are drawn to all kinds of advertisements that I would have just glanced right past in the states. But sometimes I am rewarded by a real gem of mistranslation. Come with me on a stroll through a grocery store, and you’ll see what a mean. (Click on photos for a closer look.)

First we’ll get some food. Can’t have this because it contains peanuts, but its challenge to “make the ture qualities of our own return to reality” is quite tempting.

For obvious reasons, I decided to go ahead and skip the paste.

But I did get some hair dressing.

After a little more shopping, I take note of when the BonuY days are taking place.

And then it’s off to the heckiout!

The editor in me wants to scream when I see these atrocities, but I really have to just laugh (and always have a camera ready). Who knows, maybe my editorial skills will come in handy.



Natalie said...

I always get a laugh out of what is printed on t-shirts and the poetry on notebook covers! It almost never makes sense.

Anonymous said...

How wonderfully exacerbating this must be!

Anonymous said...

It can be rather annoying, but it does give your day a chuckle. But wait til you start trying to speak Chinese. I've heard stories!!!

Mom W

Will said...

These are hilarious!
I don't think I could make it through the grocery without bending over for a huge belly laugh. !!

Chaya said...

very funny