Wednesday, September 26, 2007

T-Shirts I Have Seen This Week

A shirt with a picture of Snoopy (who is extremely popular here), underneath which are the words "Sometimes I feel compelled to justify my existence . . ."

A pink shirt bearing the picture of a party balloon and the words "Microtube Technology? Piece of Cake!"

A sweatshirt with a leaping bunny, his rump emblazoned with a capital A, shouting "I want to be your dog!"

A shirt (worn by one of my more tiny and adorable female students) with the word STUD written across it in flowery sequined letters.

Kinda makes you wonder if your friend's Chinese tattoo really says "Love," doesn't it?


P.S. I would love a shirt like the one in the picture :-D


Carrie said...

I would give anything to have one of those Snoopy shirts. Because, justifying my existence is a daily hassle for me.

Delaura said...

Dave, get that shirt! It maketh me to laugh! And get one for me too.